Nestle Gıda A.Ş.- CPW
FDR machine cleaning time optimization
Niğde Gazozu
100.000 glass bottles/hour fizzy drink facility planning
Non-sugar new product design and production consultancy
Aslanoba Gıda A.Ş.
Ready to Eat project
Nescafe Express project
Tazedirekt project
Dr Tropik
Fizzy drinks design projects and production line consultancy
Bodrum Mandalin Gazozu
Fizzy drink production project and production line consultancy
Cold Brew coffee product design and production line consultancy
Basil Seed product design and production line consultancy
Tassay Kazakistan
”Kazahstan Cola” product design and process optimization
Efem Su Plastik A.Ş.
12.000 glass bottles/hour fizzy drink product design and production line consultancy
5.000 glass bottles/hour ready to drink cold coffee product design and process
Bottled water facility tender specification preparation
Basturk Group Companies
27.000 bottles/hour fizzy drink facility planning in Senegal
Halitlar Beverage
36.000 bottles/hour carbonated and non-carbonated beverage factory planning, commissioning, and production consultancy.